Day 1 -- Preliminary Survey
Knowing that substantial donations from St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Brunswick, Maine were imminent, and determined to use the funds efficiently, yesterday Yuli took three motorcycles to begin a comprehensive survey of the environs. They used a map and oral directions to traverse the countryside, visiting towns and assessing needs. On their way back to town, they used $60 of the first promised $100. She put deposits on orders for tents and lanterns, and cleaned out a depleted hardware store of its remaining clearing tools to fulfill requests the convoy had picked up. When she got to my "office" in the Dixie Diner, she was overjoyed to learn that somewhere near $2000 would soon be available to her convoy.
Sites Visited
I'll get a map up here soon, but if anyone is playing at home, they visited Kepek Kidul Timbulharja Sewon, Gunung Puyuh, Nambangan, Bobok, and Pentung, all in the Bantul area. Pics follow.
Sites Visited
I'll get a map up here soon, but if anyone is playing at home, they visited Kepek Kidul Timbulharja Sewon, Gunung Puyuh, Nambangan, Bobok, and Pentung, all in the Bantul area. Pics follow.
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